Research Grants

photo 4This section shares information on both VA and UCLA research submitted and awarded to our Investigators.  Here you will find resources on research, contracts and grants, IRBs, and clinical trials.

VA Research

Veteran’s Affairs Grants Management Services develops policies and provides guidance on grant management issues to grants and affected offices at all organizational levels within the Department.

UCLA Department of Medicine Research

Utilize the resources listed here to help fund, start, or continue your research.

UCLA Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

Contact Jill Narciso with research grant questions:

Clinical Trials & Clinical Research

Carefully conducted clinical trials are the fastest and safest ways to find treatments that work in people and ways to improve health. UCLA conducts research for a wide range of medical disorders and offers patients opportunities to participate in research and clinical trials.  The resources listed here, includes information on clinical trials at UCLA.

Submitted & Awarded Grants


Grants Submitted Since July 1, 2019

PISponsor and Type of AwardGrant Deadline
Blessen EapenUTHSCSA - DoD W81XWH-19 PRMRP-CTA7/2/2019
Kim-Lien NguyenNIH R01 resubmission7/5/2019
Alberta Warner DoD Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP): Partnering PI Option 7/11/2019
Tzung HsiaiNIH R01 - renewal8/16/2019
Arthur KoNIH R01 resubmission with Human Genetics c/o Dr. Pajukanta8/16/2019
Freny ModyUNC - Subaward - Environmental influence on cardiovascular disease risk in a genetically homogeneous population8/29/2019
Jennifer MartinNYU -Subaward - Sleep And Nutrition TElehealth Intervention9/5/2019
Arthur Ko NIH Director's Early Inp. Award 9/13/2019
Tzung HsiaiNIH R01 Transformative9/20/2019
Tzung HsiaiNIH T329/25/2019
Debika BhattacharyaGvision - Gilead Investigator Sponsored Research9/30/2019
Hsiai, TzungNIH R01 (subaward to Caltech - Dr. Gao)10/7/2019
Hsiai, TzungAHA with Khademhosseini10/8/2019
Shilpa Sharma American Heart Asociation 2020 Career Development Award 10/15/2019
Shi, YijiangR50- NCI research Specialist Award 10/18/2019
Hsiai, TzungNIH R01 (with USC)10/30/2019
Leung, AngelaNIH R01 resubmission11/5/2019
Sharma, ShervenALA - Lung Cancer Discovery Award1/23/2020
Sharma, ShervenTRDRP 1/23/2020


Grants Awarded Since July 1, 2019
PI Sponsor & Type of AwardProject Title
Ding, YichenNIH K99 Pathway to IndependenceIntegrating imaging and computation to characterize neural crest cells in the myocardial development and regeneration
Gukovskaya, AnnaNIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol, Abuse, & Alcoholism)The Southern California Research Center for ALPD and Cirrhosis
Shalbueva, NataliaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaThe Southern California Research Center for ALPD and Cirrhosis (P50AA011999) Pilot project
Martin, JenniferNIH - 1R01HL146059-01A1 (PI M. Safwan Badr, MD)Improving outcomes for patients with SDB and insufficient sleep (09/01/2019 - 07/31/2024)
Hsiai, TzungNIH - R01Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Assess Metabolically Active Plaque
Shekelle, PaulNIH - subaward from Palmer PMC Project/ VERDICT (preaward authorization as of 9/13/19)
Shapiro, ShelleyCedars Sinai (PTE) / CIRM (Prime) - Partnering Opportunity for Clinical Trial Stage ProjectsScleroderma-Associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Treated with Cardiosphere-Derived Allogeneic Stem Cells
Pisegna, Joseph KaiserPOpulation-based Tools to Establish a Cohort for high-throughput pancreatic cancer screening (PrOTECt)
Ziaeian, BobackUCLA - CTSI KL2 Translational Science AwardExtending heart failure care through a patient-centered telehealth program (10/01/2019 - 9/30/2021)
Fung, ConstanceEmory UniversityCoexisting nocturia and insomnia in older adults: Planning a trial of integrated Therapy
Shekelle, PaulHumana, Inc.Evidence maps of social determinants of health
Shekelle, PaulHumana, Inc.Systematic Reviews of social determinants of health
Ko, ArthurAHA Career Development AwardUtilizing a Novel Portable Imaging Device to Accelerate Human Genomic and Diagnostic Studies of
Zeidler, Michelle2019 Strategic Research Award (Category I)Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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